This page is dedicated to Hemingray's earliest embossing styles for their ponies,script
and prismic embossing.Seen below is a rare smooth base script Hemingray 9,these have no patent dates,the "o" in No 9
is not underlined as it is in all the other indexes ,and are usually found in stamped embossing.

Embossing types on found Hemingray ponies is what this page is all about.The types
are:Stamped embossing which is the newest from 1901-10 era,Prismic embossing which is from 1895-1901,and finally script embossing
which was only made for 1.5 years production,mid 1893-1895.
Seen below is "the big 4",these 4 are all script and colours are:light aqua,grey blue,ice
green,and bubbly light hemi blue.

Seen above is a true script embossing Hemingray No 9 in the "flair skirt" style.This
flairskirt style is usually found on 106 WGM pieces.Script embossing type is characterized by lettering and numbers that are
usually rather small and dainty and have the hand done appearance.The embossing is usually light or faint and upon close
inspection,you will be able to see that the letters and numbers all were hand done.Script embossed pieces are rather scarce
in the pony styles and will command a higher price for those who collect them.
Above is the second type of embossing found,this is Prism embossing.Characteristics of prismic
embossings are that they are extremely bold,concise and angular lettering and numbers.Note,prismic is commonly seen with hand
done numbers and can easily be confused and called script embossing.The numbers are indeed hand done but done at a later date
and usually more neatly than true script.Prismic is fairly common to find.Note the "2" in this pic,it has a super loopy
Another variant of prismic has what is called a "lazy" 9.This variant,the 9 in the embossing
has a laid back appearance,kind of like it's laying on it's side.
The piece below is a very prominent example of the lazy 9.

Now,seen above we come to the newest and most common embossing type,stamped embossing.About
95% of Hemingray 9's and 12's found will be of this embossing type.
Characteristics of this embossing type are: The numbers and letters are very neat,straight
and orderly plus are not too faint and not too boldly embossed.Stamped embossing punches were machine made stamps whereas
the script stamps were hand done.

Seen above is a newer generation of Hemingray ponies,this is a CD113 in clear.These pieces
were made in the early 1940's and later and are common, but this piece is a peculiarity,it has script embossing!What
we DO know is Hemingray made script embossing obsolete with improved prismic and stamped embossing in 1895-1901,this
has been the topic of discussion for awhile now,so why would Hemingray revert back and use an obsolete embossing form?
From what has been seen,the script style embossing has been found only on 1941 dated clear
and clear/yellow 2 tone insulators made in 41' made moulds,the one I have is a clear/yellow 2 tone dated 41::: which
places MFG of this piece in 1947.

The piece above is an early unlisted script but in a tough blue grey colour.Note that
this piece has no underline under the "o" in No 9.That type of embossing is only seen in the index [230] which is the SB piece
at the top.These book around $300+.

The script Hemi 9's are scarce and very hard to find but are considered pretty common compared
to the script embossed CD113 Hemi 12.Seen above is a great example of the rare script 113,the embossing is VERY faint with
the insulator being somewhat crude overall.Check out that glob of amber!
Below is the set of 4 script Hemi 12's I have.While it took me about 7 months to aquire the
script No 9's,it took me about 3 years to get this set of 4 script Hemi 12's.
